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A Story on Partnership: A Story from the Congo

Jean Pierre Djimbonge Weye

Partnership is a relationship based on a common desire between two or more churches to express their vocation or calling and attachment in the common mission in order to grow together.

It consists of extending the ecumenical and churches missions’ horizons that do not have the same cultures, the same customs, the same leaders, the same resources, and the same organizational structures. So it is a mutuality between the churches for the advancement of the Lord’s work. It benefits all parties by

•Prayers and mutual intercessions

•Reciprocal visits

•Sharing resources God gives

•Mutual information and exchange of experiences

•Expression of solidarity between the partners.

Members of the Christian church, as one body sharing the same faith in Jesus Christ in a structure, must work together, hand in hand for the progress of the community.

As the body of Christ, the partner churches should express their solidarity. If a part or a member of the body suffers, the whole body will suffer. Thus, in the spirit o f partnership, the partner Churches must work in solidarity and mutuality so that the strongest help the weaker to grow and it is also possible that the weaker bring some things to the other.

Partner churches must have regular meetings to evaluate their common journey and take new orientation in obedience to the Lord, emphasizing love and transparency.

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Jean Pierre Djimbonge Weye is the Chairman of the Finance Committee of Global Ministries partner the Church of the Disciples of Christ in Congo.